Healthcare Safety is fundamental for reaching Sustainable Development Goal 3, achieving Universal Health Coverage, and building resilient and sustainable health systems. However, avoidable adverse events, errors and risks associated with health care remain major challenges for patient safety globally.

The Seventy-second World Health Assembly in 2019 adopted resolution WHA72.6 on global action on patient safety and mandated for development of a global patient safety action plan.

The global action plan adopted by the Seventy-Fourth World Health Assembly in 2021 envisions “a world in which no one is harmed in health care, and every patient receives safe and respectful care, every time, everywhere”.

In view of this, the Phi Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International recognizes how relevant is to understand the different factors that may ignite or challenge healthcare systems in meeting the global action plan vision and thereby invites all nurses, from bedside nurses to nurse executives, to the 7th edition of the Phi Xi Talks, titled “Healthcare Safety: from practice to regulation” to provide an overview on healthcare safety global concerns, to understand how patient safety culture within organizations impact or support the safety of care, to discuss why incivility among nurses and healthcare professionals overall is viewed as the last link to safe patient care and quality and finally, and to present the journey of Saudi Arabia in putting in place safe nurse to patient ratios regulations as part of accrediting healthcare facilities.

This webinar is hosted by the Phi Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau's International - STTI, with the support of the Nursing School of Coimbra - ESEnfC and the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing - UICISA: E.

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